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2018 Market Access Report on Mexico

The Canadian Association for the Advancement of Music and the Arts (CAAMA), in association with Canadian Music Week, is opening up access for Canadian artists and music companies to do business with music companies and market specialists from Mexico.

Mexico is the 11th most populous country in the world, with an estimated 119 million people in 2015, most of whom speak Spanish as their native language. Nonetheless, there are also 67 indigenous tongues native to the nation. Currently, around 287 languages are spoken in Mexico.

Mexico has three times the population of Canada, double its surface and twice its population density.  Currently, Mexico has the biggest music industry market in Latin America, and is second in income from recorded music, after Brazil. Today in Mexico the recorded music market shows important growth, with more than 23.6%  in revenues, reaching 133.5 million dollars and placing it number 15 in the world ranking.

Last year, revenues from physical formats represented 24% of the total,  with sales of 32.2 million dollars; digital formats represented 66%, with revenues of 88.6 million; synchronization, 6%, with sales of 7.8 million, and public execution, 4%, with revenues of 4.9 million.


For a copy of the Market Access Guide to Mexico, please email


We look forward to welcoming you onsite. Meet with new potential business partners, re-new old acquaintances and pursue new international trade opportunities. CAAMA members receive a discount on their CMW registration.

The International Marketplace hosted close to 1,000 B2B meetings around CMW in 2023. The 2024 Spotlight is on India, home to IPI (India Phonographic Industry) – the 2nd oldest music industry org. in the world involved in protecting copyright When CAAMA produced its Spotlight on India in 2010, only 7.5% of India was connected to the internet. In 2022 India was ranked as the 2nd largest online market worldwide, 2nd only to China. Now, 52% of India is connected, The 2024 Spotlight will tap new opportunities which were not accessible 14 years ago.  CAAMA’s 2024 Spotlight will provide fresh access to this industry, which is one of the world’s most established.

Sign in online here to participate in the pre-arranged, curated B2B meetings.

CAAMA’s International Marketplace trade hub will be open daily from 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM EDT during CMW.

You will find us in the room with all the flags.

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