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CAAMA Objectives

  • To raise awareness, visibility and appreciation of Canadian cultural entrepreneurs, artists and sound recordings at home and abroad
  • To present concerts, festivals, lectures, classes, seminars, mentoring and info sessions for music and music-related activities
  • To identify and stimulate strategic export opportunities for Canadian-owned sound recordings and musical products, cultural entrepreneurs, content owners and creators, artists and small-to-medium sized enterprises (SME’s)
  • To provide timely intelligence on international market access and professional development opportunities to Canada’s sound recording industry and creative communities, and provide access to education, training and best practices for new, up-and-coming members of the music business
  • To support and provide national/international showcase opportunities for new and emerging Canadian musical talent from a wide range of music genres and ethnic communities
  • Policy development research and consultation around those issues affecting members of the Canadian musical community from all cultural backgrounds and at all levels of the music business


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