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About Us


The Canadian Association for the Advancement of Music and the Arts (CAAMA) is a national not-for-profit, Toronto-based, Canadian artist music companies-driven trade organization representing the interests of emerging performing artists, musicians, artist entrepreneurs and small artist owner-operated music businesses in Canada.

Dedicated to the domestic and international development of Canada’s sound recording industry, it supports all segments of the Canadian-owned independent music industry. Its program is designed to support music initiatives that engage youth who have been under-served by the industry and provide young emerging artists and industry newcomers with the information and tools they need to start a career and achieve their goals in the music business.


Founded in 1991, CAAMA was Provincially Incorporated in 1993, (No 1006780) and is the only national association that represents Canadian artist music companies. Presently there are more than 6,000 artist-driven member companies / entrepreneurs from the cultural industries sound recording sector. CAAMA provides free educational programming & tools, in-depth research and opportunities on emerging international markets, business-to-business networking and showcase opportunities.


Connecting Canadian artist music companies to the world.


To provide cost-effective solutions for CAAMA members to reach new audiences and new heights in new markets, and to ensure the preservation and enactment of laws favourable to our industry.


CAAMA’s objectives are to further the interests of all segments of Canada’s Canadian-owned, independent music industry, both domestically and internationally.

CAAMA provides advocacy for its members and serves as a national voice in forums to debate issues of cultural policy including creators’ rights and the fair use and monetizing of music. Since 1991 CAAMA has been a principle advocate for the growth and development of Canadian independent music worldwide. Through our focus on international market development and artist-driven initiatives, CAAMA empowers its members with valuable education, networking and showcasing opportunities, and professional development services to access the world market and succeed as cultural entrepreneurs in today’s evolving music landscape.


CAAMA is governed by a Board of Directors elected biannually and meet from time to time during the year at private executive meetings. Members are invited to meet annually at a general meeting held in Toronto. CAAMA gets approval for Major activities from its members and communicates to them via newsletter and e-mail or fax. Future information will be posted on this website. CAAMA is funded by membership fees which are raised through artist showcase application fees, and include a two-year membership in CAAMA.

Additional funding is raised on a project-to-project basis and is derived from a combination of public funding and sponsorships.


CAAMA acknowledges financial assistance for its international outreach and trade activities provided by the Government of Canada through Global Affairs CanExport for Associations program and supported by Canada’s Trade Commissioners Service (TCS).

Additional funding is raised on a project-to-project basis and is derived from a combination of public funding and sponsorships.

CAAMA © 2023. All Rights Reserved.

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