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2024 International Marketplace at CMW – Spotlight on India – Wrap Up

The following is a summary of CAAMA’s activities at the 2024 International Marketplace at CMW.


CAAMA produced a 2024 Spotlight on India. Activities were a mixture of in-person and virtual events. The initiative has been a few years in development and was planned in collaboration with the Consulate General of Canada in Mumbai.  The Spotlight activities were advanced with a curated, pre-arranged virtual meeting session on July 7, 2023 to pre-promote the then-upcoming Spotlight on India.  While virtual meetings and a webinar were originally planned to happen in advance of CAAMA’s 2024 Spotlight on India at CMW in June; The Consulate General of Canada in Mumbai experienced some unexpected personnel changes affecting the trade team we are working with – CAAMA responded their resulting workload shift, to produce the activities after CMW instead.

Monday, June 3, 2024: 3:00 PM – 3:45 PM  (Piers 2/3)


The 2024 Spotlight on India panel explored the vast potential of India’s thriving music market for Canadian stakeholders. With its strong mobile and internet penetration, India represents a ripe opportunity for Canadian music industry professionals. This session explored best practices on how to tap India’s rich musical landscape and a populace that spends more time on music than the global average. India is poised to become the largest music streaming market by volume and the panelists provided strategic insights to engage with this vibrant music market, offering fresh opportunities for access, revenue, and collaborative ventures across borders.
MODERTOR: Jasper Donat, CEO – Branded (Asia)

PANELISTS: included:

  • Meghana Bhogle, Head – IPs & Touring Division – PAYTM Insider
  • Rafael Pereira, Managing Partner – TIUUNTS. India Music Exchange (IMX)
  • Sushil Chhagani, Founder – Stubborn Company. India Music Exchange (IMX)
  • Tej Brar, Head of Festivals – NODWIN Gaming

Jasper Donat, CEO  – Branded Asia.  (Singapore)

Jasper has spent more than 30 years producing award-winning shows, connecting businesses and marrying great content with partner brands. Branded is one of Asia’s leading live event & digital media companies, and producers of award-winning events including the YouTube FanFest, It’s a Girl Thing, Tencent Music Connects and All That Matters (which features Music – Digital – Sport – Gaming and Marketing Matters). Jasper has worked for Star TV (ESPN Star Sports, Channel [V]) and previously in the UK with Eurosport & ad agency CIA Billett & Co. In his spare time, Jasper is a keen road cyclist and failed musician

Meghana Bhogle, Head – IPs & Touring Division  – Paytm Insider Corp.  (Mumbai)

Meghana Bhogle heads the IPs & Touring division at Paytm Insider> Her focus is on content, curation & execution for branded IPs and artist tours.  She has curated & executed tours for Arijit Singh, Lucky Ali , Divine, When Chai Met Toast, Kanan Gill, Osho Jain, Prabh deep among others and has worked with IPs such as Nh7 Weekender, Jameson Connects, Spotify Rap 91, etc. Her previous stint at Oranjuice Entertainment included  curation and execution of events & tours like The Mahindra Blues Festival, The Arijit Singh Concerts in Bombay (2016 & 2020).

Rafael Pereira, Managing Partner – TINNUTS (Mumbai), India Music Exchange (IMX) (Mumbai)

Rafael Pereira is an intellectual property strategist at the intersection of law & business relating to technology, entertainment, arts, & culture. TINNUTS is a new age intellectual property law firm where he works with creators across disciplines and entrepreneurs across sectors. A Berkeley Law graduate, Rafael has built a career as an entrepreneur in the creative industry in Asia & Europe and advises the world’s biggest artists, labels, publishers, distributors, & promoters on their business & legal affairs in Asia. He has been instrumental in the largest bookings to ever happen from India including Beyonce, Coldplay, U2, & Cirque du Soleil. He is building the Indian Music Exchange as an industry first music export & mobility initiative with India In tl. Music Week as its flagship.

Sushil Chhagani, Founder – Stubborn Company. India Music Exchange (IMX), India Intl. Music Week (IIMW)

Sushil Chhugani is the founder of Stubborn Company, a music services company and creative arts incubator. It was founded in 2021 to support young creative entrepreneurs create value, build businesses & scale revenue. Sushil heads the India Intl. Music Week and is currently scouting artists to programme for the showcases at IIMW Sushil has been awarded for his work with Sony Music, Rolling Stone & Viacom during his professional career, where he well-established as a proven thought-leader in the Media & Entertainment space for Music & Artist Management, Intellectual Property, A&R, Digital/Content Marketing, Brand Solutions & Live Entertainment. Having played a key role in the rise of Hip-Hop subculture in India via discovery & development of some of the finest and most popular artists in India, his remit in pop culture ensures a strong working network across the length and breadth of the Music eco-system and business.

Tej Brar, Head of Festivals – NODWIN Gaming

Tej Brar is the Head of Festivals at Nodwin Gaming. He has previously worked at Warner Chappell Music (Los Angeles), Universal Mastering (Los Angeles), BBC 6Music (London), WERS 88.9FM (Boston) & Clouds FM (Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania) before returning to India in 2011 to head OML’s artist management. He has worked on various festival IP’s as well as specializing in experiential marketing and brand solutions. In 2017, Tej established Third Culture Entertainment – a high end artist management and events business based in Mumbai. At Nodwin, some of the prominent projects Tej is leading include Bacardi Nh7 Weekender, Dreamhack India & Comic Con to name just a few of the IP’s that are part of the Nodwin Gaming live portfolio.


Jasper Donat - Branded
Meghana Bhogle - PAYTM Insider
Rafael Pereira - IMX, Tinnuts
Sushil Chhagani - Stubborn Co., IMX
Tej Brar - NODWIN Gaming

Monday, June 3, 2024: 12:00 PM (Noon) – 2:00 PM


30 Canadians met with five (5) Indo Pacific Region (four from India, 1 form Singapore) for 114 meetings. There were additional companies from India invited who were not able to attend and not available to stream in – and we were notified too late to replace them.

In the end, CAAMA had six (6) foreign participants from the Indo-Pacific region including a Japanese company from the region meeting with Canadians onsite. Incoming mission delegates from India did two rounds of B2B meetings with


The Canadian Trade Commissioner Service in India along with the Canadian Association for the Advancement of Music & the Arts (CAAMA) and India Music Exchange (IMX)  jointly hosted a webinar &  panel discussion offering a snapshot of India’s vibrant music landscape, with market insights, intelligence and opportunities shared by key industry players. The discussion was of interest for CAAMA members and the Canadian music industry at large including music publishers and distributors, booking agents, artist managers, music labels, talent promoters, record labels , distributors and music technology companies.



  • Ryan Ward, Counsellor (Commercial) & Senior Trade
  • Commissioner (India) at Global Affairs Canada
  • Grace D’Souza, Consulate General of Canada
  • Patti Jannetta, President – CAAMA (see letter attached – could not appear due to technical issues)

MODERATOR: Rafael Pereira, TINNUTS, India Music Exchange (IMX), India Intl. Music Week (IIMW)


  • Akhila Shankar, Tunecore
  • Natanantara Kumar, Talent Management – Misfits
  • Robert Singerman – LyricFind (Canada)
  • Rumpa Banerjee, IPRS (Indian Performing Right Society Ltd.)
  • Sushil Chhagani, The Stubborn Company, India Music  
  • Exchange (IMX), India International Music Week (IIMW)

The webinar provided information All About Music B2B Conference August 6-8, 2024 (Mumbai) as well as

 India International Music Week  (IIMW) 2025 conference & festival (Feb 4-6, 2025 – Goa) A wide ranges of topics ID’d market access & entry points & strategies, market potential. CAAMA members will be attending both conferences, either direct or participating in a Canadian trade mission


The Trade Commissioners services had a booth close to the entrance inside the International Marketplace which provided a base for representatives from TCS and Global Affairs. In attendance were Pierre Olivier Bédard, Trade Commissioner, Creative Industries; Jeffrey Crossman, , Canadian Trade Commissioner & Cultural Officer,  Trade Commissioner Service (Toronto), and Vanessa Donia, TCS Toronto.  

In advance, the team was provided with a Standard Project Description for their own purposes. Meetings were also curated for Pierre Olivier Bédard to introduce him to some Canadian participants.  

WORKSHOP: Clients, Contacts and Cash: Jeffrey Crossman (Trade Commissioners Service)

In this interactive export workshop, Jeffrey explained how to connect with more than 170 Canadian embassies and trade offices across Canada and the world.  Audiences benefited from opportunities to increase export revenues and explore export funding programs such as CanExport-SME. PRESENTOR: Jeffrey Crossman, Canadian Trade Commissioner & Cultural Officer, The Trade Commissioner Service.

PANEL: Are You Export-Ready? Preparing For the International Market!

CAAMA also produced a panel on what it means to be export-ready.  Panelists talked about what it takes to export Canadian talent to the international market. The term, ‘export-ready’ mean different things to different people at different levels of their careers. The panel of highly successful exporters identified some common steps to make it work.  The session was moderated by Micah Barnes – Recording & Touring Artist Singers Playground and original member of The Nylons. Panelists featured Ammoye (7x Juno Nominated Int’l Reggae Artist hot off her showcase at Africa Music Rising in Johannesburg. LA-Based Canadian Paul Farberman, former legal affairs for Celine Dion & the late Rene Angelil; Paul is the one who brought Celine onboard for the Titanic soundtrack which catapulted her international career to formidable heights. Richard Mills, Founder – Global Creative Partners and 30-year industry veteran in developing commercially viable artists. Richard has unparalleled experience in transferring Canadian music culture across borders and continents. Richard talked about what it took to help break Canada’s pop icon Shawn Mendes, and his work with Canadian Intl. concert act Jesse Cook. Jeffrey Crossman, Canadian Trade Commissioner & Cultural Officer, The Trade Commissioner Service (Toronto) who talked about the benefits of collaboration with Canada’s trade commissioners across the world, and used the time to pre-promote his own panel at the Intl. Marketplace, which followed this session. NOTE: Catharine Saxberg, VP international Relations, SOCAN was invited as a panelists and was absent due to illness.

Click here to view panel:


CAAMA hosted a newcomer orientation gathering- featuring presentations by CAAMA president Patti Jannetta, Gloria Gift Nankunda – who had just returned from Africa the day before – and shared her insights form her participation at the 2023 Intl. Marketplace Spotlight on Africa. The meetings she did resulted in the opportunity to showcase at Africa Music Rising in Johannesburg, along with CAAMA artists Duane D.O.  Gibson and Ammoye. Gloria’s presentation illustrated how one meeting can change your life. The CAAMA newcomer orientation was held at 8:00 AM on Monday morning – the opening day of the conference – and the room was packed.

International Marketplace 2024 Curated Meetings with New International Buyers

In addition to meeting with India, the International Marketplace curated the following pre-arranged B2B sessions:

  • Meet the World
  • Meet the Agents
  • Meet the Intl. Music Supervisors
MEET THE WORLD - B2B Pre-arranged International Marketplace Meetings

33 Canadians met with 21 International Buyers & Participants for 222 meetings

MEET THE AGENTS - B2B Pre-arranged International Marketplace Meetings

10 Canadian Agents met with 15 Talent Buyers for 190 meetings. There were seven (7) Canadian talent buyers, so the session included 17 Canadian and nine internationals.

MEET THE INTL MUSIC SUPERVISORS - B2B Pre-arranged Intl. Marketplace Meetings

33 Canadian Participants and 12 Intl. Music Supervisors for 193 meetings (One of the Music Supervisors was based in Vancouver and represents international clients). The Canadians include Valerie Biggin (BC), music supervisor representing Intl. Clients.

Summary – International Marketplace B2B Meetings & Trade Activities for New International Buyers

Overall, 82 Canadians (not unique) met with 41 New Intl. Buyers (not Unique) – for 721 meetings. India participated in Meet the World as well as mentoring sessions.

As the CAAMA members and Canadian participants did multiple meeting sessions, the final count Canadians (unique) is 68 – who met with 33 New Intl. Buyers & India (unique.) as per lists below.


The process of organizing more B2B Meetings and reporting of outcomes from the Canadian participants is ongoing, Thus far, 68 Canadians (unique) met with 35 International participants (unique) during the curation of 721 meetings at this year’s International Marketplace.

We are still gathering feedback form Canadian meeting participants. The 47% who have already reported on outcomes have confirmed from $1,401,400 to $2,194,950 in potential or actual revenue generated through their participation.

Historical Look at CMW’s International Trade Activities

Throughout the past 12 years, CMW trade activities have generated from $41.3 M to 49.5 M in potential or actual funding reported by Canadian participants.


We look forward to welcoming you onsite. Meet with new potential business partners, re-new old acquaintances and pursue new international trade opportunities. CAAMA members receive a discount on their CMW registration.

The International Marketplace hosted close to 1,000 B2B meetings around CMW in 2023. The 2024 Spotlight is on India, home to IPI (India Phonographic Industry) – the 2nd oldest music industry org. in the world involved in protecting copyright When CAAMA produced its Spotlight on India in 2010, only 7.5% of India was connected to the internet. In 2022 India was ranked as the 2nd largest online market worldwide, 2nd only to China. Now, 52% of India is connected, The 2024 Spotlight will tap new opportunities which were not accessible 14 years ago.  CAAMA’s 2024 Spotlight will provide fresh access to this industry, which is one of the world’s most established.

Sign in online here to participate in the pre-arranged, curated B2B meetings.

CAAMA’s International Marketplace trade hub will be open daily from 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM EDT during CMW.

You will find us in the room with all the flags.

CAAMA © 2024. All Rights Reserved.

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